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The EATGA has members and correspondents. The members elect the Board which consists in nine members. The board elects a president amongst them, a secretary and a treasurer and forms together the Bureau or Office. The board can coopt members for special activities. The coopted members last two years. The these functions were amplified with a scientific secretary and a fund-raiser. The Office work (Bureau) is delegated to the President, Treasurer and Secretary. Information about application is given by the general secretary. The annual fee is 120 Euro for full members and 60 Euro for corresponding members.
Procedure for Admission of New Members
- Full Membership
The candidate requests the general or the scientific secretary in a letter of his/her wish to become a member, providing information on training in individual or group analysis and his motivation to become a member. He/she gives the name of two sponsors, previously contacted members of the Association. The admission criteria are: have finished training as group analyst or training as individual psychoanalyst and have experience in group-work, being sponsored by two members; have the wish to engage in the activities of the Association. If a person is not able to give the name of two sponsors the candidate will be invited to participate in an activity of the Association (study day/workshop).This allows the candidate and the members to get acquainted with each other. On the basis of this information the Bureau proposes to the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), the day after each study day, to accept the candidate as a new member. New members will be asked in the future to give a short presentation of themselves and their activities in the Newsletter.
- Corresponding Membership
Same as above indicated. There are some persons who are personally involved in the transcultural theme but haven’t finished or done group-analytic or individual psycho-analytic training as psychiatrists, psychotherapists or others. These members cannot vote at the AGM and cannot elected as a Board- or a Bureau member.
Being a member of the EATGA the fee for workshops and symposium is reduced (as for early booking).
How to pay membership
List of Members (attach list)
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