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Cultural dimensions are consciously and unconsciously determining the relationships inside therapeutic and social groups as well as the relationships and positions inside the families, generations, names.
Patterns of authority, sibling- and peer relationships also influence the balance of constructive and destructive social-cultural processes . Exploring these dimensions and patterns helps to understand the problems in families and groups in times of rapid changes.
- Internalizing/incorporating cultural elements of ambiant culture, conscious and unconscious, within groups of belonging. These elements become part of the Self. They structure the psychic life of the person and his group of origin. Influence the rapport of the person and his group with persons and groups who are strange, unfamiliar, other
- Processes of individuation and structuring of identity / alterity through the cultural experience (language, religion, nationality, profession, social group and ideology, geography spaces
- Themes can be observed, explored (and (re)elaborated) through the groupanalytic method with experiential inter/transcultural settings
Concepts: group matrix (Foulkes), primary and secondary groups of belonging/ cultural incorporats
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